Thursday, 30 July 2015

Improper Fractions and Mixed Numbers

What is an Improper Fraction?
 A number which the numerator is greater than the denominator.

What is a Mixed Fraction?
 A whole number and a fraction combined into one mixed number.

How do you change a Mixed Fractions to an Improper Fraction?
Multiply the whole number part by the fraction's denominator. Add that to the numerator. Then write the result on top of the denominator.

How do you change an Improper Fraction to a Mixed Fraction? 
Divid the numerator by the denominator.  Write down the whole number answer.  Then write down any remainders above the denominator.

My Reflection:
I have been learning to understand what an improper fraction and mixed numbers are.  So for this activity we had to screen record a factions-maths game that we were playing then answer some questions about improper factions and what they mean.  Overall I thought that this was a really fun and cool activity to do.  

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